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5 Year Review

District Development Analysis
Please Review and Comment


The Commission shall, on or about July 1, 2000, and every five (5) years thereafter, issue a written assessment of the status of the redevelopment effort, evaluating the progress, type, and character of development in each district, as well as the realistic market expectations for future development in each district, for the purposes of comparing such assessment to the Development Goals outlined below.

1. Environmental Business

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map on the western section of the North Post.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to locate and site industries that contribute to or capitalize on the increasing sensitivity to and awareness of environmental remediation and recycling, and the development of products emanating from these activities. Identified as environmental businesses in the Reuse Plan, these businesses and industries may range from businesses that use traditional industrial recycling processes to businesses that apply new remediation technologies or businesses that manufacture pollution abatement or remediation equipment.
  3. Interim Use: Agriculture may be permitted on an interim basis, as provided in Article VI E 2 of the By-Laws.

The Environmental Business Zone includes the site of the existing Devens Waste Water Treatment Facility. In 1999 this facility received a Unified Permit from the DEC to enable it to be upgraded to serve the needs of Devens and the surrounding communities. Prior to that (1998), Mass BioConversion sought a permit to locate a facility within the EBZ and after considerable debate and controversy, withdrew their application to locate within this district.

At this point in time the potential for the Environmental Business Zone remains untapped. Recycling and resource exchange possibilities should not be limited to this zone as the DEC Report entitled "Devens Industrial Ecology Project: Applying Industrial Ecology to Devens (spring 2000)" indicates. Issues regarding transportation access and buffering adjacent residential uses remain in play. The North Post was the last area to be studied as part of the Reuse Plan and therefore did not receive the detailed analysis the Main Post did. Further exploration of the environmental resources and constraints associated with this zone should be conducted prior to or as a condition of any development scenario for this zone.

2. Gateway I: Jackson

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of Jackson Gate on the westerly side of the roadway.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to provide for a range of educational, cultural, institutional, and office uses that will serve as a distinct entryway and point of arrival for Devens. The permitted uses in this zone will capitalize on the unique natural and locational attributes of the site and help define the vision of the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone for purposes of economic development and environmental protection, as set forth by the goals and objectives of the Reuse Plan.

The Gateway I site, also known as the Jackson Gateway, possesses a particular natural beauty that is to be enhanced and preserved by potential users. Additional siting and design criteria may be established by the Commission in the Regulations to ensure the future preservation of those attributes while encouraging uses that promote the Gateway theme.

This area is currently undeveloped. A detention/retention facility is planned for a portion of the zone. The balance is likely to remain undeveloped for the forseeable future.

3. Gateway II: Verbeck

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of the Main Gate on West Main Street in Ayer.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to provide for a range of cultural, educational, institutional, and open space/recreational uses that will serve as a distinct entryway and point of arrival for Devens. The permitted uses in this zone will capitalize on the unique attributes of the site and help define the vision of the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone as set forth by the goals and objectives of the Reuse Plan.

By creating a compatible scale and combination of built and open environment, the Verbeck zoning district will establish the sense of arrival to the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone as well as respecting the transition from the adjacent business, residential, and open space uses in Ayer. Additional siting and design criteria may be established by the Commission in the Regulations to ensure the future development of these attributes while encouraging uses that promote the Gateway theme.

This district has been successfully built out in compliance with the Gateway II development goals with the construction of the Shriver Job Corps and the renovation of Devens Elementary School. The Shriver Job Corps is a Federal use (Department of Labor) and worked with the DEC and Mass Development to assure that the project was built in the spirit of the Reuse Plan and By-Laws. The elementary school's contamination problems have been addressed and will be transferred to the Town of Ayer. Ayer, in turn, is leasing the facility to the Parker Charter School. This facility should be open in the fall of 2000. Both projects fufill the cultural, educational, institutional and open space/recreational elements called for in this district.

4. Special Use District I

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of Salerno Circle/Shiloh housing areas.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to attract business activities that will reflect the intent and spirit of the Innovation and Technology Zone without the more intrusive or larger scale industrial component.

    In order to ensure sensitive and responsible use of these areas, due to their proximity to adjacent land uses, the Commission will be required to consider the following use and siting criteria when reviewing development proposals:

      (i) impacts on adjacent uses;
      (ii) degree of visibility from strategic viewing points in adjacent areas of Harvard;
      (iii) aesthetic quality of site development;
      (iv) buffering/screening of development;
      (v) site lighting designed to minimize visibility from surrounding areas; and
      (vi) preservation of existing vegetation, where feasible.

  3. Interim Use: Agriculture may be permitted on an interim basis, as provided in Article VI E 2 of the By-Laws.

A portion of this district has been made part of the Devens Golf Course Inc.'s new eighteen hole sustainable golf course. Special efforts were made to assure compatibility with adjacent residential uses in Harvard and to assure that the project is compatible with the DEC's over arching goal of protecting the natural resource base in this area. Reuse of the Shiloh housing area as a golf course green utilizes already disturbed areas for an open space use. The Town of Harvard is looking at the Salerno area as a possible location for a school. The location of this area adjacent to Mirror Lake and astride an aquifer make its sensitive redevelopment an important issue.

5. Special Use District II

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of Moore Army Airfield on the North Post in Ayer.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to allow a broad range of industrial, light industrial, office, and research and development uses. The compatibility of these uses with the possible retention of local air service at Moore Army Airfield will be encouraged. In acknowledgement of the possible retention of local aviation uses, special events shall be allowed with special regulation. Uses supporting and complimenting the adjacent Innovation and Technology and Environmental Business Zones will also be encouraged. Buffers may be required between adjacent areas in Ayer along and near Route 2A.

This area is the airfield landing area on the North Post. It is currently used for the parking of state police cruisers and impounded vehicles. The State Police also utilize the area for driver training courses. It has been used for events coordinated by the Recreation Department as well. This area has not been developed as yet. The infrastructure needs of the site and the necessary transportation improvements its redevelopment would engender make this an area which will likely be developed later in the course of Mass Development's tenure. Ayer is especially concerned that the infrastructure costs and access issues necessary to adequately redevelop this district make it a project that happens sometime and not never. The district also apparently suffers from not having received the same degree of analysis as the Main Post in the Reuse Plan. A master plan of redevelopment for this area may be appropriate.

6. Residential I

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of Birch Hill Circle, Birch Road, Sycamore, Cedar, and Poplar Streets, Grant Road, and Malvern Hill Road.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to foster the evolution of a residential neighborhood at Devens, intending to meet housing needs for residents of the towns in the Devens area. The reuse of the existing housing stock will be encouraged, as well as future development of additional housing types, provided that nothing contained herein shall prevent the demolition of housing stock, as needed.

Additional siting, density, and design criteria may be established by the Commission in the Regulations to ensure:

    (i) compatibility with adjacent land uses;
    (ii) sensitivity to visual impacts; and
    (iii) reuse of existing structures, where feasible.

This district contains most of the modern housing built by the Army after 1950. Redevelopment proposals for the area unearthed a problem with the use of pesticides and insecticides used under the foundations of many of these slab on grade units. This issue was not identified as part of the base closure and is currently being worked on by the Army and Mass Development. A number of these units are among the 298 residential units slated for redevelopment by Mass Development. A Request For Proposals was issued and Aspen Development of West Springfield, Massachusetts was awarded the contract. Most of the units located in this district are on hold until the contamination issue is resolved. DEC and community members worry that the 298 housing units established in the reuse plan and Devens By-laws is an inflexible number. The housing glut which led to a restriction on the number of units to be developed at Devens has passed. Perhaps the housing cap should be revisited.

7. Residential II

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of Elm/Walnut Housing and Auman Street Housing.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to develop housing to serve the residential needs of Devens. This district will also allow office space for professional office and service uses that will be accessory to the primary residential use or a home occupation. The reuse of the existing housing stock and construction of new infill housing for residential and accessory office space will be encouraged in a manner that compliments the historic Vicksburg Square. Development of a diverse and stable residential core, as well as small scale professional office and service space, are considered compatible and vital components of the Reuse Plan and every effort will be made to ensure a sensitive and appropriate blend of these uses.

Additional siting, density, and design criteria may be established by the Commission in the Regulations to address the following concerns:

    (i) compatibility with adjacent land uses;
    (ii) visual impacts;
    (iii) reuse of existing structures, including historic structures, where feasible;
    (iv) "number of employees" and other restrictions for professional office and service uses; and
    (v) parking needs evaluation and requirements.

These units include most of the historic brick colonials and bungaloes located within the Vicksburg Square Historic District. In addition this district includes those units utilized by Sylvia's Haven under the McKinney Act and will soon include housing for the Central Mass Veterans in the Bates Road area. The brick units in the historical district were included in the Aspen Development redevelopment package and a portion of these are scheduled for rehabilitation during the summer and fall of 2000. Mass Development, the DEC, and Massachusetts Historic Commission have taken great care to assure that the historical units within the district are developed in a manner which is compatible with the historic district in which they are located.

8. Business/Community Services I

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of the intersection of Dakota Street and MacArthur Avenue.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to provide a mix of small scale commercial, retail, and service uses. Uses in this zone are expected to complement and support the businesses in Devens and the needs of persons working in Devens.

The Devens Inn, Shirley nursery school (utilizing the former post day care facility) and Post Office are currently located within this district. A contract to redevelop the former bank has been awarded by Mass Development to North Middlesex Savings Bank after a Request For Proposals process. A child care facility proposal is currently under review and may be located in this area. Mass Development hired an architect to develop a master plan for this area. Redevelopment of this area requires a careful balancing between the needs of businesses and residents within Devens and those of the surrounding business communities, especially those of Ayer who see the development of this district as competition. The master plan is currently being rethought while the bank and child care elements proceed apace. This district is likely to be built out within the next five years because of the need for on base services from the growth the bases' redevelopment has generated. The Harvard Teen Center opened recently in the former Red Cross building.

9. Village Growth District I

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of the Shirley Gate off Front Street in Shirley Village on the southerly side of the road.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this district is to provide commercial expansion and enhancement opportunities for Shirley Village, while at the same time respecting the scale of the existing businesses and abutting neighborhoods. The intent is to accommodate a municipal facilities center, a variety of retail, service, and office uses of small to medium size.

    The Commission shall be required in its Regulations to establish design concepts which further the goal of creating a commercial center which respects village scale and layout. Said site design standards shall address issues of setback, location of parking, orientation of buildings to roadways, landscaping, site access and circulation, general compatibility of building massing with the existing village, and related considerations, including a maximum square footage use by a single business of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet. At the same time, it is intended that design options remain flexible, so as to encourage high quality and creativity in site and building design.

    Additional siting and design criteria shall be established by the Commission in the Regulations to address issues relating to:

      (i) buffer/screening requirements;
      (ii) visual compatibility with the Shirley Village environment;
      (iii) height restrictions; and
      (iv) options for clustering of buildings and flexible design that enhances connections to the existing Shirley Village.

  3. Interim Use: Agriculture may be permitted on an interim basis, as provided in Article VI E 2 of the By-Laws.

The Shirley Municipal Facilities Center has been built within this district. The Center includes a Police Station, Town Hall, and Library. The Town of Shirley proposed that a school be located in this area as well. The DEC has worked closely with Shirley to develop an appropriate development and enforcement framework for this project. (Shirley was subject to DEC's permitting process and its own building officials assured compliance of the project with Shirley's Building Code.) The balance of the district remains undeveloped at this point in time. Discussions of a potential commuter rail stop in this area have raised issues of compatibility with the goals of this district. In addition, the need for additional housing, especially elderly housing should be assessed for this area as part of general reassessment of the housing capacity issue.

10. Innovation and Technology Business

  1. Locations: Areas designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of the Army Reserve Enclave, 600 Block; Locust Hill housing area; Oak Hill housing area; Spruce/Maple housing area; housing area west of Robbins Pond; Army Reserve Enclave, North Post; and Federal Bureau of Prisons site.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to provide space to those industries and businesses that develop and require additional space within Devens or that relocate to Devens. Permitted uses in this zone exhibiting one or more of the following qualities will be encouraged:

      (i) development or sale of an improved or new product or service;
      (ii) expansion of a business;
      (iii) educational/academic links;
      (iv) research and development orientation; and
      (v) business connections or support services to other industries on Devens.

    It is recognized that the Innovation and Technology Business I district is intended to accommodate a wide variety of uses in a development pattern that is of relatively higher intensity than that of other areas in the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone, particularly with regard to new construction activity. High standards for site planning will be encouraged to address significant site characteristics, including topography, existing vegetative cover and tree canopy, proximity to water and wetlands, and proximity to and characteristics of adjacent uses.

  3. Interim Use: Agriculture may be permitted on an interim basis, as provided in Article VI E 2 of the By-Laws.

The Army Reserve enclave has seen additional military development over the past five years with the addition of a facility for the U.S. Marines.

The 600 Block or Sherman Square redevelopment project has commenced with the redevelopment of the three buildings facing Sherman Avenue (649, 650, 655) for incubator lab space and office/incubator development. The balance of the 600 block may be redeveloped over the next five years.

Locust Hill housing area has seen no activity to date. It and the other housing areas located within this zone will most likely be demolished at some point in the next five year planning horizon.

Oak Hill and Bulge housing area has had little activity during this planning period. Portions of the later area will be incorporated into the Devens Golf Course envelop, including the club house which will be located off Bulge Road.

Spruce/Maple housing area has also seen no activity during this planning period.

Housing area west of Robbins Pond has seen a great deal of activity. The housing in this area has been demolished and Comcographics and Parker Hannifan have located facilities in this area. Both projects comply with the development goals for this district.

North Post uses remain within Army control for the most part. The exception being the lower parking lot which is being utilized by a truck driver training school on an interim basis.

Federal Bureau of Prisons site has seen a great deal of activity during the first five years of the Devens redevelopment effort. The prison has been built and a series of additions for spousal visitations and the like are under construction. The storm water management system associated with this project received national acclaim for the sustainable design elements incorporated in its planning, construction and implementation.

The balance of this area is called the Jackson Technology Park. A number of facilities have been built or are moving through the permitting process for this area. The built facilities include Netstal, a high tech Swiss research and development firm, Pharm Eco, a biotechnology firm which has expansion plans covering a large portion of Jackson Technology Park east of Jackson Road and South of Givry. Mass Development has received a unified permit to develop Jackson Road in accordance with the Reuse Plan as the main entrance drive (Boulevard) to Devens. Walden Paddlers, Bionostics, and American Superconductor are all going through the permitting process in this district and all fully comply with the district's goals. On Grant Road, the Seven Hills foundation located an adult daycare and rehab facility. If all of these projects come to fruition there will only be a few lots remaining to be developed within this district.

11. Village Growth District II

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of the Army Reserve Enclave-Intelligence School in Shirley.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to provide an area for small scale development involving office, light industrial, research and development, and compatible outdoor recreational, cultural, conference, institutional, and municipal types of uses, in a manner that is harmonious and in scale with abutting areas of Shirley Village.

    Additional siting requirements may be established by the Commission in order to be responsive and sensitive to adjacent uses.

    Any such additional requirements shall consider the following:

      (i) buffer requirements;
      (ii) site specific design requirements;
      (iii) industrial performance standards; and
      (iv) retention of existing active recreation uses within the district.

  3. Interim Use: Agriculture may be permitted on an interim basis, as provided in Article VI E 2 of the By-Laws.

This entire district remains within army jurisdiction.

12. Rail, Industrial, and Trade-Related

  1. Locations: Areas designated on the Zoning Map.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to provide a development area that will generally be available to businesses that utilize or rely in whole or in part upon rail lines, surrounding rail-related uses, multi-modal transportation links, or trade with national or international emerging markets. Other uses in the district that generally support and enhance the transportation and trade-related uses will be encouraged.

Additional siting requirements may be established by the Commission in the Regulations to protect the environment, particularly the aquifer.

Siting facilities along the easterly side of Barnum Road has proved to be a contentious issue between the Town of Harvard and Mass Development. A proposal to develop a master plan of development for this area is under review and may prove an efficacious mechanism for including the community in the process for determining how this area is eventually developed.

The portion of the Rail Trade and Industrial Zone west of the railroad tracks has received a good deal of attention from the development community. Gillette, Sonoco, Performance Corrugated, Southern Container, Web Van, Routhier & Sons, Rhyerson Thypen, North American Van Lines, and most recently Anheiser Busch all have large facilities located in this zone. Concern exists that the rail access reflected in this zoning district's name is not being fully utilized. The Performance Corrugated facility has a rail spur into it and Southern Container also uses rail. Guilford has a facility on Barnum Road which also uses rail. The remaining uses are often categorized as distribution facilities that deal with new or expanding national or international markets. While allowed, some feel that the rail resource is not being used to its full potential. Mass Development has agreed, with certain caveats, not to develop additional distribution facilities in this district and will labor to attract manufacturing and rail compatible users.

Mass Development is planning to locate its DPW facility in this zone as well. Their salt shed is already in place and plans have been prepared for a new public works facility.

The siting of the Anheiser-Busch facility on the grounds of the former Civilian Military Training Camp raised a number of issues about uses on the edge of the zone. This site is accessed from Barnum Road while most of the other facilities cited are located on Saratoga and Independence (well within the industrial park). The DEC worked with the client to attain a higher level of design for the facility and to assure that adequate buffers were put in place. Once again, the adequacy of the buffer differs with ones perspective.

The Performance Corrugated Company was purchased by Georgia Pacific and the facility closed and sold. This case represents the first instance of new facilities being reused here at Devens. The new user has not located a tenant for the facility as yet. The DEC will be watching this issue closely as it illustrates a cycle of building reuse which will impact the future redevelopment of the base.

13. Innovation and Technology Center

  1. Locations: Area designated on the Zoning Map in the vicinity of Vicksburg Square.
  2. Development Goals: The primary goal of this zoning district is to provide an urban center for the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone in which incubator ventures and a broad range of businesses are encouraged. Its combination of historic buildings and traditional open space provides an environment unique to the former base and allows for an intensity of both business and public uses that is singular to Devens. Development of design, siting, and retrofitting criteria should be flexible in order to accommodate a wide range of users and their special needs, and any ancillary support services. A major theme for this zone is to encourage and promote the development of academic and educational support links for the entire Devens Regional Enterprise Zone, as set forth in the Reuse Plan.

The Revere Building which houses Mass Development and the DEC as well as a number of incubator businesses is the only one of the four main Vicksburg Square historic red brick facilities in use. Mass Development is scrutinizing various redevelopment options for the other three buildings but the cost of refitting them with elevators, sprinklers and modern HVAC equipment may be prohibitive. Perhaps the Devens By-Laws should be revisited to assure a greater variety of allowable uses so that these historic resources are not destroyed. The Learning Express has located its corporate headquarters in the former base headquarters building. Xinetics is utilizing the base commandants house as office space and plans are afoot to use the ranches on El Caney and Buena Vista for offices. The Devens Conference Center is located in this zone as well. The former base chapel is in this district and is currently being used by Sylvia's Haven. The state police barracks are in this are as is the vacant Corregidor theatre and the former base hospital. The former youth center is now home to Image software.

14. Open Space and Recreation

  1. Locations: Areas designated on the Zoning Map throughout Devens.
  2. Development Goals: The Open Space and Recreation zoning district is considered a primary and essential component of the Reuse Plan. The goal of this zoning district is to preserve and enhance the natural beauty and sensitive natural resources of Devens and serve as a buffer and transition zone for other uses. In addition, uses are expected to serve a wide range of passive and active recreational needs of the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone and the region as a whole.
  3. Prohibited Uses Limited to This District: Large-scale facilities for open air concerts are prohibited in this district.
  4. Interim Use: Agriculture may be permitted on an interim basis, as provided in Article VI E 2 of the By-Laws.

Open Space and Recreation Plan, JBOS Open Space and Recreation Committee, TOR Mirror Lake, USFish & Wildlife Oxbow expansion, Devens trails mapping, recent grant DEM and use of land for golf course.

General issues of development:

    Aesthetics (design guidelines)
    Buffering and border issues/interrelationship between lots (i.e. site plan of lot versus contextual site planning)
    Green Building Design/LEED

The next review of Devens and the use of Sustainability criteria - DEC report establishes baseline data which can become basis for measuring success of project.

The 5 year review project should address an end point to chapter 498 and a process for addressing it. Issues of infrastructure and continued debt assignments need to have a framework for working out agreements put in place.

Transportation management and truck traffic remain continuing issues for the redevelopment of the base.

A breakdown of Mass Development's listing of projects by town would be of use. Also a breakdown of the remaining developable land areas in each community should be presented. An overlay of town boundaries on the zoning map would be appreciated.

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